Train your brain!

Hey everyone, how are we all doing? I know I spoke about how to physically stay fit this summer considering our fatigued based lifestyle and struggle to not feel bloated or desperate for the toilet. However, now I’m going to talk about staying mentally active. It’s important that we strengthen both our muscles and our…

How to stay fit this summer

Being sick taught me one thing, it was that exercise was almost impossible. Fatigue is literally your worst enemy. Despite the old hole in the leg situation, I was faced with a swollen body from lack of mobility and always wanted to sleep. THEN when I didn’t want to sleep, I wanted to eat or…

Sex, friends and chronic disease: Part. 2

In the wise words of Matthew McConaughey, “alright, alright, alright” let’s face the facts with how much of a shit-storm it is to date with a freaking inflamed digestive system. Luckily, my boyfriend was with me before I was diagnosed with UC, so I didn’t have to impress him or sugar-coat the fact that I…

Sex, friends and chronic disease: Part. 1

Not sure about all of you guys, but my Colitis had been a real bummer on my ability to maintain my relationships. It was hard when I was first diagnosed because I was a fresh, 19 and ready to waste all my money on Tequila shots every weekend and get loose and messy at parties….

Why we should embrace our insecurities.

Sorry I have not posted recently, I have been overwhelmed with uni work, part-time work and 21stseason. However, here I am once again. In the last post I forgot to address how IBD can impact on body image. We all know that body image is directly linked to our mental health, so it’s an important…

IBD and mental illness.

The issue with IBD is that it is not just physical, but also an emotionally and mentally straining illness. One problem I faced when my disease was active, was the stress and anxiety that if I go out to uni, work or even socially, was that I would not be able to make it to a…

Welcome friends to Bowel Buddies

Hey everyone, Welcome to Bowel Buddies! Now before you have “wtf” moment and think you have reached the weird side of the internet, Bowel Buddies is a humorous support campaign (hit us up on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) for people who have or had (you lucky buggers) inflammatory bowel disease. I unfortunately have the disease…